How to start? 

1. Fill an Extended DISC questionnaire to find out what is your natural potential and what skills and behaviours you have adapted. This will help you to look at the costs and level of your energy. Our experts will help you to identify your strengths and communication skills. 

The Extended DISC test can be a valuable tool in helping you become more efficient in your business. Here’s how:

✅ Self-awareness: 

The Extended DISC questionnaire is designed to assess your behavioral style and preferences. By understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, communication style, and work preferences, you can become more self-aware. 

This self-awareness allows you to leverage your strengths and adapt your approach in areas where you may need improvement. 

By aligning your work tasks and responsibilities with your natural tendencies, you can increase your efficiency and productivity.

✅ Communication and collaboration: 

The Extended DISC questionnaire also helps you understand the behavioral styles of others. This knowledge enables you to adapt your communication and collaboration strategies to better connect and work effectively with different personality types. 

Improved communication and collaboration skills lead to better teamwork, reduced conflicts, and more efficient decision-making processes.

✅ Leadership and management: 

The Extended DISC questionnaire can be particularly beneficial for leaders and managers. By understanding the behavioral styles of your team members, you can tailor your leadership approach to meet their individual needs. 

This can enhance employee engagement, motivation, and productivity. Additionally, the test can help you identify the strengths and development areas of your team, allowing you to delegate tasks effectively and maximize their potential.

✅ Conflict resolution: 

Conflict is inevitable in any business setting. The Extended DISC questionnaire can assist in resolving conflicts by providing insights into different behavioral styles and how they may clash. 

With this understanding, you can approach conflicts with empathy and find common ground more quickly, leading to faster resolutions and improved working relationships.

✅ Hiring and team building: 

The Extended DISC questionnaire can also be used during the hiring process and team building activities. It helps identify individuals whose behavioral styles align with the requirements of specific roles or the dynamics of a team. 

By building a team with complementary strengths and styles, you can create a more efficient and harmonious work environment.

Extended DISC questionnaire enhances self-awareness, improves communication and collaboration, aids in leadership and management, facilitates conflict resolution, and supports hiring and team building efforts. 

By leveraging the insights gained from the test, you can optimize your efficiency and effectiveness in your business endeavors.


🇮🇪 EUR 321.00

🇬🇧 GBP 265.00

🇵🇱 1100.00 PLN + 23% VAT – 1321.00 PLN 

The price includes the questionnaire and 1h 45 min consultation and mentorship online.

The questionnaire consist of 24 questions. You will get the access online. You need approx 20 mins to complete the questionnaire.

Email us on: office@edusmart-tc.net